Piano education, refined.
Music is a gift—for life! Our piano studio seeks to help students of all ages discover their full musical potential with creative, high quality music teaching. Lessons are tailored to each individual student, fostering confidence and enjoyment in music-making, something that lasts a lifetime.
Week of March 24: Regular lesson week.
March 31-April 4: Spring Break!
WSMTA State Competition Winners announced🏆! Congratulations to Chloe - WINNER! And to Alexander - FIRST ALTERNATE! And to Grant - HM! Winners (or Alternates) will represent Olympia at the State Conference in June 👏!
MAP Results are in! Congratulations to Chloe, Anoova, Phoebe, Gracie, Alexander, Grant and Landon! See “News” for the full story.
OMTA Honor Recital (for MAP) this Sunday: Westwood Baptist Church @ 1:30 and 2:30pm. Come at 1:30 to hear these fabulous students - Chloe and Gracie will represent our studio!
Group Performance Class March 2, including a chocolate fountain! We heard some amazing performances at the group lesson! We tried out BREATHING before playing - keep practicing this at home and see if it helps. Some other helpful practice techniques: Practice slowly with metronome! Hands Alone practice! Record yourself and play for an audience! Passagework - staccatos, accents, and rhythms! And of course make sure you are getting enough practice in. These techniques will help you perform your best!
OCO Concerto Concert, February 23: featuring our own Phoebe and Chloe! Stunning performances of Hummel’s Piano Concerto No. 2 and Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. See “News” for more information.
MAP Schedule is posted - See “Events” for schedule. Please note the slight changes in time.
MAP/Adjudications: March 10, 2025 @ St. Martins University. 9:15am to 2:20pm - you will be assigned 20-30 minute slots with our Visiting Artist - Dr. Yoon-Wha Roh from Washington State University!
WSMTA Honor Recital Competition: March 9 @ SMU, afternoon time TBA
OMTA Honor Recitals: March 16 @ Westwood Baptist Church
Hannah’s Visit! For those of you who remember Hannah Rarick, check out her update under “News”!
Bach Competition Medalists and Piano Pal photos: see “News” for the whole update.
Piano Pal Project - What a great effort by all of our young composers, including some first-timers! See “News” for more details!
January Group Performance Class: 1/28/25. Piano Pals were revealed, and Bach Festival Medals were handed out - congrats! See “News” for more details.
Classical/Viennese Festival: online competition, deadline 3/1/25.
December 19 @ 4pm: Stonewell Senior Home Performance - these lovely seniors always love to hear young students and their music. Christmas cookies will be served 🍪!
Bellevue Symphony Concerto Competition Update: Kudos to Anoova (Arensky Op. 48) and Gracie (Shostakovich Op. 102) who entered the BSCC, with participants from all around Western Washington and beyond. Anoova received an Honorable Mention for her performance of Arensky Fantasia - way to go!
December 13: Stonewell Senior Home Performance - Several students performed a beautiful program of solos, duets, and a sing-a-long (thank you, Chloe, Phoebe and Gracie!). The seniors were very appreciative and love to see young people!
December 7: Barnes & Noble Annual Play-a-thon - featuring Grant, Alexander, Eleanor, Ellie, Linnea, Megan, Lilia, and Chloe sharing their holiday and classic tunes with the Olympia community! See “News” for updates and photos.
These students performed Christmas carols, Charlie Brown Christmas album, and Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite at the local bookstore!
Check out all of this shiny hardware! Powerful performances by Phoebe, Anoova, Chloe, Alexander, Grant and Landon!
OMTA Concerto Competition: November 23 - See results under “News” - Result Posted! Congratulations to our amazing students! Mark your calendars for Feb 23, 2025 to hear the two Advanced winners - our own Chloe and Phoebe! More info under “News”.
Bach Competition Winners announced! See “News” for all the details. A round of applause to Landon, Grant, Alexander, Phoebe and Chloe!
PRACTICE CHALLENGE is over! Congrats to Phoebe, Alexander, and Landon!
Piano Pals are assigned! Let’s get our creative juices flowing!
Concerto Recital: November 17 - well done to all of our performers! It was an excellent chance for a first performance. The audience was very appreciative.
Fall Master Lessons with Dr. Rolim: Excellent feedback from Dr. Rolim, and good job to all students for performing pieces well from memory!
Seattle International Bach Festival: Application and video submission deadline is 10/28!
First Group Class Update - Group lesson/Performance Class … Everyone performed successfully, after the summer break. There was a good discussion on performing from memory under pressure, repertoire talk, and theory. More information under “Group Lessons”!
Check out Anoova and Simone’s project - “KEYS TO CONNECTION”! See “News” for more information and how to join.
Spring 2024 Newsletter is online! Click “Newsletter” in the menu above to see it. Congratulations on an amazing Piano Year! Also, students have all successfully completed their National Guild Auditions, preparing a 10 or 15-piece memorized program - what a huge accomplishment! Please share your music with as many people as you can - what a gift 🎁🎶.
Senior Recital June 15: Sky Lin! Congratulations on an amazing performance on both piano and cello! See “News” for photos and more info.
Spring Studio Recital, June 8 . Our year-end celebration of our students’ many accomplishments concluded with a fantastic recital of great music!
Senior Recital - Justin Chung: Well-done, what a beautiful recital! See Events for more details!
National Guild - Congratulations! ALL students completed the NATIONAL level of 10 memorized pieces - WOWOWOW! And ALL students received a SUPERIOR OR SUPERIOR PLUS rating - HOORAY 🎉! So proud of everyone’s hard work and practice. Way to go!
Daughters of the American Revolution 250 Exhibit at the Historic Schmidt House! April 14. See photos of our students playing background music for this historic event on a beautiful 5’7” Steinway. More information under “News” and here: https://www.olymusicteachers.org/daughters-of-the-revolution
Teachers’ Recital April 20 @ Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We had a good size crowd to cheer on the teachers! Donations will go to fund our OMTA Programs and Scholarships.
District IV Honor Recital: May 5, 3pm @ Centralia Church of the Nazarene. Winners and Alternates of the State Honor Recital Competitions in District IV (Olympia, Thurston, Mason, Grays Harbor, and surrounding chapters) will be presented in a recital, followed by a cookie reception. The two winners from the Olympia Chapter are our own Chloe and Anoova! All are welcome!
WSMTA Honors Competition Results: Congratulations to Chloe and Anoova, our State Representatives! Two winners from OMTA were selected to go to the State Conference in June to represent our region. Well done!
Master Lessons with Dr. Rolim - What a great weekend of Master Lessons with Dr. Ronaldo Rolim! We were lucky to have him come down to Olympia to spend a couple days with our students. Please keep the lesson notes in your minds as you practice!
Feb. 13, Allen/Cho Duo in Concert at St. Martins Noon Recital Series!
OAPC, CWU: Nov. 10-13. This Washington State Outstanding Artist Piano Competition features some of the best young pianists in the state! Best wishes to Anoova!
OCO Concert Oct. 29 with Ramona & Hannah, duo-pianists! They performed Saint-Saens “Carnival of the Animals” with the OCO and Maestro Carlson!
Ramona & Friends were featured at the Governor’s Mansion Chamber Series, Oct. 23! SOLD OUT
Olympia Symphony Concert with YA Winner, Chloe! A triumphant debut with the OSO with Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto. See “News” for more information and photos!
WSMTA Conference, Winthrop: June 26-28. A refreshing and educational time for the piano teachers - lots of classes, recitals and meeting old and new colleagues! See “News” for more details.
Alexander performs at WSMTA Convention, June 28 @ 11am, Sun Mountain Lodge (Winthrop). This recital features winners and alternate of the Honors Competitions around the state. More info and photos under “News”. Congratulations!
Enjoying the beautiful scenery and sunshine after Alexander’s stunning Honors Recital performance!
Photo credit: Judson K.
Sally & Josie clink their “pop” after playing at the Pop/Jazz/Ensemble Recital.
For Pianists, For Piano - Concert
Featuring 2, 4, 6, and 8 Hand Piano music! Open to the public.
HONOR RECITAL WINNERS: Chloe, Sky, and Judson! ALTERNATES: Grant and Judah! Honorable Mentions: Justin, Alexander, Josie, Grace! See “News” and www.olymusicteachers.org for more details! Congratulations!
The composer of Alexander’s Honors Competition piece, Jennifer Bowman, was in the audience!
March Group Lessons: Students performed their 2 MAP pieces (from memory) for each other - and got to “be the Visiting Artist”! For our April Group Lessons - get ready for Scale Olympics with our Technique Challenge!
Seong-jin Cho Concert at Benaroya! See photos and more details on “News”.
Fun night out in Seattle!
Stonewell Senior Care - Performance Opportunity: this is a senior facility not far from here. They love and appreciate music and need someone every Friday afternoon to play the piano. Let me know if you would like to play for these lovely seniors! Thanks to Landon, Sky, Alexander, Chloe, Max, and others for sharing their music and talents already. Hope everyone can take part in this!