We have received our time assignment! Tuesday, June 6, between 10:30am and 7pm. Each audition will be between 20 and 35 min, depending on your level.
Students will play 7 pieces and 3 technical phases, for a total of 10 items. All must be memorized.
This is a huge accomplishment, so I am very proud of all the students and the hard work they have demonstrated to learn all of these pieces and technical phases.
Congratulations to Hannah for performing her 10th Exam at the National Level! When she passes her exam this year, she will receive her High School Diploma in Music from the American College of Musicians. She will also be on their 10-year National Honor Roll, and will receive the Paderewski Gold Medal. In addition, she will receive scholarship money for being a senior in all three categories, and has the opportunity to win an additional scholarship if she is one of the top 5 scores this year. I'm hoping many of you will also do this! Way to go, Hannah!
10:30-12 Hannah (HS Diploma, 90 min. exam)
12:15 Alex (30)
12:45 Viveka (25)
1:10 Isabella (25)
1:35 Judson (20)
1:55 Break (15)
2:55 Lilia (35)
3:30 Eleanor (30)
4:00 Gavin (22)
4:22 Lucas (25)
4:47 Luke (25)
5:12 Break (15)
5:27 Megan (33)
6:00 Henry (20)
6:20 Chloe (20)
6:40 Chloe (20)
End 7pm