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Music Artistry Program/Adjudications Week

MAP Week! No private lessons this week, unless previously arranged.

Place: St. Martins University

Date and Time: March 10, 2025 @ 9am to 2:10pm

Visiting Artists: Dr. Yoon-Wha Roh (WSU)

Students will perform 2 contrasting pieces from memory for the Visiting Artist. Top students may be chosen to perform at the OMTA Honor Recital on March 16.


9:15 - Chloe (Heroic Polonaise & Pletnev/Tchaikovsky)

10:00 - Gracie (Chopin Raindrop Prelude & Bach D Minor WTC)

10:30 - Phoebe (Chopin Fantasie Impromptu & Mozart F Major)

11:00 - Break

11:20 - Alexander (Chopin Waltz in Ab & Mozart Rondo)

11:50 - Anoova (Prokofiev Suggestion Diabolique & Beethoven Tempest)

12:20 - Landon (Guaraldi & Bach Invention 4)

12:50 - Grant (Chopin Minute Waltz & Mozart)

1:20 - LUNCH

2:20 - Consult (Honor Recital)

2:35 - End

Earlier Event: March 9
WSMTA Honor Recital Competition
Later Event: March 16
OMTA Honor Recitals