20 New Compositions for 2020!

Piano Pal Update!

This may be about the 10th year our studio has done Piano Pal, the annual composition project, where students compose a piece for a “secret pal”. Every year, students fine-tune their compositional skills and work out imaginative ways to paint a musical portrait of their friend. Twenty students took part in this project this year. Each student took home a booklet of everyone’s pieces, so please feel free to ask them to show you, and enjoy!

The Elementary group class featured these original pieces:

Jack: “Shades of Purple” for Katherine

Landon: “Falling Snow on Black Piano” for Jack

Alexander: “Lego Veggies” for Shepard

Shepard: “Silent Swings” for Alex

Katherine: “Playing Tag” for Linnea

Linnea: “Soccer Players” for Landon

The Middle and High School group class featured:

Judson: “Summer Night” for Gavin

Calvin: “Shiloh” for Alex

Max: “An Instrumental Duet” for Judson

Sky: “Variations on a Winter Night” for Luke

Gavin: “Free Ranged Chicken” for Tyler

Alex: “Gymnastic Chopin” for Lilia

Luke: “Last Snow” for Sky

Lucas: “Mars and Minerva” for Megan

Lilia: “Pho” for Lucas

Tyler: “Sleepless Winter” for Max

Megan: “Falling on My Face” for Chloe

Madison: “Brownies and Burritos in B” for Calvin

Chloe: “Berceuse” for Madison
