National Guild Update 5/4/20

I have finally received some information on our National Guild Auditions. We will have the Auditions via an online platform. We need to provide 2 different methods of contact, in case there are any problems. I will need to submit those methods to them on one list for the studio.

With your permission, I would like to submit the FaceTime number that we have been using successfully for our lessons. Please reply to this to confirm your approval, as well sending an alternate way of contact and another phone number. Other back-up platforms could include Skype, Zoom, Google Duo or Google Hangouts.

For example, I will need to submit something like this:

Student John Smith, Intermediate C Date/Time: June 3, 12-12:30pm Preferred Platform: FaceTime: (360)123-4567 Backup Platform: Skype: Emergency Contact # in case of problems: (360)987-6543 We are still scheduled for June 3 and 4.

Please let me know if there are any time restrictions for the online Audition. I will be putting out a schedule soon. Thank you so much for your patience as we work out all of these details! I’m thankful that we are able to continue despite the limitations we are currently experiencing. Guild has informed me that they are determined to be as flexible and helpful to us, to help all students achieve their Guild goals!