National Guild - Congratulations! ALL students completed the NATIONAL level of 10 memorized pieces! And ALL students received a SUPERIOR OR SUPERIOR PLUS rating - HOORAY 🎉! So proud of everyone’s hard work and practice. Way to go!
Two students participated in their very FIRST National Level Guild: Simone and Gyu-Rim - Good Job!
Landon has reached his 5th year of National Level Auditions! As a result, he will be featured in the National Piano Guild Notes publication later this year. Students who reach 5 years and beyond receive a gold composer pin for all subsequent auditions as well.
We had some Perfect Scores this year! Josie, Gyu-Rim, and Chloe - Wow!
Sky has reached 7 National Guild Auditions for more than 70 memorized pieces and phases! Chloe has completed her 13th National Guild for more than 130 memorized pieces and phases! Both of these students have also presented International Level Guild Auditions: Sky received the highest scores nationwide in the Early Bach Medal; Chloe received the highest scores nationwide for the Advanced Bach Medal, and has also earned the International Sonata Plaque, Jazz Guild, and Founders Plaque!
Landon: IA
Gyu-Rim: IA
Simone: IA
Grant: IC
Alexander: IC
Sky: PD
Chloe: PD
Last National Guild Audition for Sky! She will be continuing to enjoy her music while pursuing an engineering degree at UW.