MAP Update - Winners posted!

The 2020 Music Artistry Program has come and gone, and good job to everyone! Our studio had 16 students participating in the annual M. A. P./Adjudications at St. Martins' University this week. The Visiting Artist for this year, Greg Presley from Gonzaga University, enjoyed listening to and working with all of our students and asked me to pass on his CONGRATULATIONS to each one of you who played. WELL DONE! I know a lot of dedication and practice hours made this happen, with each student performing 2 memorized pieces. Thank you also to all the parents and families behind this amazing young talent. Three students were chosen to perform at the OMTA Honors Recital this Sunday (March 15) at Westwood Baptist Church.

Mr. Presley chose: Alex (Gershwin), Lilia (Kapustin), and Chloe (Chopin). Hooray!

One alternate was chosen: Sky (Haydn)

Honorable Mentions were given to: Luke (Tansman) and Judson (Mozart). A round of applause to all of you! I will be sending individual emails with notes from Mr. Presley to each participating student.

MAP Date Announced!

Our annual Music Artistry Program - M.A.P. (formerly Adjudications) is coming up!

Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Place: St. Martins U, Kreielsheimer Hall (Arts Building)

Time: Each student will have a 10-30 min. time with our Visiting Artist. Students will play 2 memorized pieces and receive feedback and suggestions from well-known teachers. Time slots will be from 9am to 4:30. Up to three students may be chosen for the Honors Recital.

Schedule for Tuesday, March 10:

9:00 Linnea

9:10 Landon

9:20 Judson

9:40 Madison

10:10 Alex to 10:40


11 Tyler

11:15 Megan

11:45 Luke to 12:05


1:05 Lucas

1:25 Lilia

1:55 Calvin

2:15 Sky

2:45 Gavin to 3:05


3:25 Alexander

3:35 Max

3:55 Chloe to 4:25

4:25 Consult/Honors Recital Selection

20 New Compositions for 2020!

Piano Pal Update!

This may be about the 10th year our studio has done Piano Pal, the annual composition project, where students compose a piece for a “secret pal”. Every year, students fine-tune their compositional skills and work out imaginative ways to paint a musical portrait of their friend. Twenty students took part in this project this year. Each student took home a booklet of everyone’s pieces, so please feel free to ask them to show you, and enjoy!

The Elementary group class featured these original pieces:

Jack: “Shades of Purple” for Katherine

Landon: “Falling Snow on Black Piano” for Jack

Alexander: “Lego Veggies” for Shepard

Shepard: “Silent Swings” for Alex

Katherine: “Playing Tag” for Linnea

Linnea: “Soccer Players” for Landon

The Middle and High School group class featured:

Judson: “Summer Night” for Gavin

Calvin: “Shiloh” for Alex

Max: “An Instrumental Duet” for Judson

Sky: “Variations on a Winter Night” for Luke

Gavin: “Free Ranged Chicken” for Tyler

Alex: “Gymnastic Chopin” for Lilia

Luke: “Last Snow” for Sky

Lucas: “Mars and Minerva” for Megan

Lilia: “Pho” for Lucas

Tyler: “Sleepless Winter” for Max

Megan: “Falling on My Face” for Chloe

Madison: “Brownies and Burritos in B” for Calvin

Chloe: “Berceuse” for Madison


Students Pictured in National Guild Magazine!

Four students from our studio were featured in “Piano Guild Notes”, the magazine for the National Guild! Students who have successfully completed 5 years as Guild Winners at the National Level are pictured: Isabella, Gavin, and Chloe. Lilia was pictured as a 10-year National Winner and Paderewski Gold Medal Winner. Congratulations to all of you! Please see an earlier article with more details about each student and their accomplishments!

Isabella, Gavin, and Chloe have completed 5 years as National Winners!

Isabella, Gavin, and Chloe have completed 5 years as National Winners!

Lilia completed a rigorous 15 piece program to receive the Guild High School Diploma! She will also receive a scholarship from the Guild as a Diploma recipient, Paderewski Medalist, and 10-Year Winner.

Lilia completed a rigorous 15 piece program to receive the Guild High School Diploma! She will also receive a scholarship from the Guild as a Diploma recipient, Paderewski Medalist, and 10-Year Winner.

2019 Holiday Recitals

HOLIDAY RECITALS: Our first Winter Recital took place on Sunday, Dec. 8. Sixteen talented local young pianists from our studio were featured at the 31st Annual Christmas Forest at the Hotel RL!

Our 2nd recital at Barnes & Noble on December 14 was well attended by an appreciative audience. Seventeen of our young pianists were featured, playing holiday, classical and jazz favorites. So proud of these kids!


This past Saturday was the annual OMTA Concerto Competition. Seven of our wonderful studio pianists entered, and I’m so happy to report, EVERY SINGLE ONE of them received recognition from the judges! Hooray! Over 50 young pianists entered from the Olympia area. Here are the results:

Elementary: Gavin, HM, for Celebration! Concerto by L.F. Olson

Upper Intermediate: Calvin, HM, for Concerto Bravo by K. Olson; Luke, HM, for Blues Concerto by E. Rocherolle; Sky, FIRST PRIZE, for A. Asch Concertino

Advanced A: Chloe, SECOND PRIZE for Concerto in D Minor by J.S. Bach

Advanced B: Lilia, SECOND PRIZE for Ravel’s Concerto in G; Megan, HM for “Warsaw Concerto” by Addinsell

I love these pictures! From L-R: Gavin’s first concerto fest, 2017 concerto fest, and this year’s competition where he received an HM! I don’t think I’m shrinking….

I love these pictures! From L-R: Gavin’s first concerto fest, 2017 concerto fest, and this year’s competition where he received an HM! I don’t think I’m shrinking….

The three musketeers of Upper Intermediate….this is where they are (nervously) awaiting the judges.

The three musketeers of Upper Intermediate….this is where they are (nervously) awaiting the judges.

Sky received 1st prize! Luke and Calvin received an Honorable Mention each! Congratulations!

Sky received 1st prize! Luke and Calvin received an Honorable Mention each! Congratulations!

Megan played the “Warsaw Concerto” & Lilia, Ravel’s G Major. Here they are waiting for the results.

Megan played the “Warsaw Concerto” & Lilia, Ravel’s G Major. Here they are waiting for the results.

Megan receives Honorable Mention, and Lilia receives 2nd prize! Now they are ready to relax!

Megan receives Honorable Mention, and Lilia receives 2nd prize! Now they are ready to relax!

Chloe was awarded 2nd prize for Bach’s D Minor Concerto. Beautiful performance!

Chloe was awarded 2nd prize for Bach’s D Minor Concerto. Beautiful performance!

Sky’s award-winning performance!

Chloe’s prize-winning Bach Concerto!

The "5-P's" of Practicing

The 5-P’s Practice Method

 By Ramona

In the past few years, our studio has come up with a practice method that I call the “5-P’s”, aka “Pick a Piece of Practice Paper, Please!”  Some students have even added “Pretty”, making it “6 P’s”! It’s easy and fun, and I guarantee improvement!

 Here’s what you have to do:

1    Print out the practice suggestions.

2    Cut them out in strips.

3    Fold them up and put them in a small jar by the piano.

4    Grab one before you start your practice, and do it!

Have fun!

Practice Tips:

Small Sections

Be very disciplined! Practice one measure at a time. Stop at the first note of the next bar. “Sign off” before you move to the next bar.


Change Tempo

Practice “SUPER SLOW”. It will help motor control, clean up messy spots, help you think and plan.  

Practice slow pieces fast to give you an overview of the piece, or “Bird’s Eye View” of it.  


Ghost Playing

Only touch the keys, don’t press down.

This helps you hear inwardly.

It will help your memory.


Change Character

Choose a different mood or character for your piece.  

This will help you find freshness to your piece, make it more creative!


Go on a Pedal Diet

No pedal, practice using only fingers to make legatos.

When you finally add pedal, it will sound so lush and luxurious!



Use dotted rhythms in groups of 2 or 4.

Try rhythms with staccatos and accents.


Count…out loud!

Start doing it slowly, then up to tempo.  It doesn’t count if you don’t do it out loud!

Using your voice and hearing it, great feedback, great for rhythm!

This can be very challenging at first, but stick with it and soon it’ll be easy!


Backwards Practice

Start at the last 4 measures of your piece.  Play it until you like it!  Then move back another 4 measures.  Repeat until you are at the beginning.


Table-top Playing

Prop your music on the table, then finger your piece as accurately as possible!


Hands Alone


You might be surprised at what is going on in your LH!  And RH!


Play Completely Straight

Deliberately remove all rubato, ritards, rallentandos, etc


Start Anywhere?

Use a random number generator to start at any measure of your piece.  


Change Up Dynamics

Exaggerate all dynamics.

Play without any dynamics, all pp or ff.


Practice Performing

Imagine you are in front of an audience, all the details!

Video yourself and watch it as your own audience!

New Pianos by Sky...made out of LEGOS!

Many in our studio enjoy or have enjoyed LEGOS in numerous creative ways. Sky created two pianos, made completely out of legos. You should check out her amazing LEGO collection sometime!

I like the music rack detail! Check out the piano painting in the background…from summer camp.

I like the music rack detail! Check out the piano painting in the background…from summer camp.


Seattle Bach Festival - Lilia Gold Medalist

Sunday, September 29, 2019: Two hundred sixty-four young Washington musicians participated in the Seattle Bach Festival Competition held a the Forest Ridge High School. Each age group was featured in various categories, ie. Anna Magdalena Notebook, Little Preludes and Fugues, Inventions, Well-Tempered Clavier, Italian Concerto, Partitas, etc. Keyboard and String concerti were also featured. Johann Sebastian Bach wrote well over 1000 works, so there was a huge variety of pieces to choose from!

Representing our studio, Lilia won the Gold Medal in the Well-Tempered Clavier 2 Division! She performed the Prelude and Fugue in D minor, BWV 875 beautifully! Congratulations!


Article featuring 5-year, 10-year, Sonatina and High School Diploma National Winners!

This article will appear in the National Guild Magazine in the upcoming months. I will repost after publication!

Allen Studio Presents National Winners

Sixteen young pianists from the studio of Dr. Ramona Allen (Olympia, WA) performed a recital for a welcoming and appreciative local senior center.  The students also performed National-level Guild Auditions the week prior with Judge Preta Laughlin, passing with Superior and Superior Plus ratings.  

Special mention goes to three 5-Year National Winners.  They are:  Gavin Skoog, a 6thgrader, who along with his piano skills, is a clarinetist and saxophonist and has a black belt in taekwondo.  Isabella Shields, a 7thgrader, enjoys creative wordsmith-ery and is known for her compositional talent and ideas.  Chloe Song is accomplished in both piano and violin, and has won many awards in the past 3 years.  She has also challenged herself by doing two National auditions per year for the past three years, also earning the Sonatina Plaque (15 movements) this year!  

Lilia Allen, a junior, finished her 10thyear as a National Winner, earning the High School Diploma from the American College of Musicians with a 90 minute exam, and also earning the Paderewski Medal.  In addition to her musical activities, she is a competitive gymnast, an honors student, and a big sister to three siblings, with a special interest in foreign languages, calligraphy…and chocolate!  She has been honored to perform twice with a local orchestra, playing concerti by Mendelssohn and Shostakovich.  She has appreciated the musical opportunities and challenges provided by the ACM.  


Lessons begin on September 9!

Mondays: 2:15 Madison; 3:15 Luke; 4:00 Judson; 4:45 Sky

Tuesdays: 4:30 Linnea; 5:00 Landon

Wednesdays: 1:30 Megan; 2:45 Alex; 3:45 Gavin; 4:30 Lilia

Thursdays: 2:45 Lucas; 3:30 Calvin; 4:15 Chloe

Piano Ensemble Camp 2019!

What a great week of Piano Camp 2019! An energetic group of middle and high schoolers joined together to play duets, trios and quartets for a week, culminating in a final recital, where a supportive crowd cheered them on! Newly composed jazz and dance influenced trios by Dennis Alexander and Martha Mier were on the program, featuring piano, trumpet, clarinet, cello and violin. Two sibling duos performed Mozart’s famed Rondo alla Turca, as well as the C.S. Variations by Hartsell. The finale was a quartet (8 hands on 2 pianos) of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’". Great performance, everyone!

Other camp activities included: Piano World Records (highest, fastest, longest, etc), Music Theory Games (spoons, anyone?!), partner drawings and art (very impressive results!), musical water balloons, mango/neapolitan/choco/vanilla cookies and snacks, Videos of famous duos, and much much more!

Our recital also brought in 50 lb of food to donate to the local Food Bank! The Thurston County Food Bank provides groceries and other assistance to thousands of individuals in our community. Thank you all for supporting our city with your music!

Piano paintings with a partner - impressive!

Piano paintings with a partner - impressive!

Making letters in groups…it totally looks like an “R”!

Making letters in groups…it totally looks like an “R”!

TRIO Benefit Concert UPDATE!

THANK YOU, WONDERFUL FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!!  The recital is over now, and we had a GREAT TIME!  Performing solos, duets and trios by classic to modern composers. we played our hearts out for an enthusiastic audience!  Because of you, we were able to raise $2,596 for UNICEF, which as you may know, is more than 3X our original goal!  We are so excited!  We are amazed at what we can do with our MUSIC! If you would like to see examples of UNICEF's work, please check out this website for pictures and articles:  

We thank all of you again for your overwhelming generosity and support! 

Hair by Anna Sophia!

Hair by Anna Sophia!

All smiles after the recital is over!

All smiles after the recital is over!

UNICEF’s color is blue, which is why the girls chose their dresses.

UNICEF’s color is blue, which is why the girls chose their dresses.

TRIO Benefit Concert, July 14!

Three of our students - Lilia, Megan and Madison - will perform a benefit concert, “Keys for Kids”, on behalf of UNICEF’s Education Fund.

Date: Sunday, July 14, 2019

Time: 3 pm

Place: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Olympia

Free admission and reception following!

These girls would like to bring awareness to the fact that 27 million children are living in war zones and are affected by war. In these areas, UNICEF is a humanitarian organization that provides schools, books and school supplies. All donations will go to this fund. Their original goal was $714, as the concert is 7/14/19. Within 4 days, due to the generosity of friends and family, they surpassed that goal, inspiring them to go bigger, with a goal of $1714! Please consider donating at the concert or at: 

Thank you for your support!


16 young Olympia pianists presented an inspiring Spring Studio Recital at Panorama’s Quinault Auditorium on May 29. Elementary to Advanced students performed pieces of many styles, from Bach’s Italian Concerto and Inventions, to a Clementi Sonatina and Fur Elise, Mendelssohn’s Hunting Song, Copland’s Cat and Mouse Scherzo Fantastique and Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in D to Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Theme from La La Land, Pachelbel’s Canon, Debussy, Shostakovich, MacDowell and more! Ramona & Jenny finished with Lecuona’s Malaguena. What a great audience we had!

Even more photos from the recital are available here:

Read more

National Guild 2019

National Guild 2019: an unequivocal success!

May 30 was a BIG day as the National Guild Auditions took place in our Studio with judge Preta Laughlin.  Whether this was your first (Calvin & Madison) or 10th (Lilia) and everyone in between, this is no small feat!  Each student prepared 10 or 15 memorized pieces and technical phases.  Gavin, Isabella, and Chloe have reached 5 years of Auditions at the National Level--this milestone will be noted in the National Piano Guild Magazine.  Chloe took on a double program with the Sonatina Plaque, 5 complete sonatinas (15 movements), as well as the National Level Audition.  Lilia tested for her 10th year and High School Diploma/Scholarship, which 15 advanced level memorized repertoire pieces and technical phases, a 90 minutes marathon test.

EVERYONE PASSED WITH SUPERIOR OR SUPERIOR PLUS! HOORAY! You students all amaze me! You should all feel proud of what you accomplished this year!



Madison, Isabella, Lucas, Calvin, Sky, Viveka

Superior Plus:

Lilia, Luke, Judson, Gavin, Chloe, Chloe Sonatina, Megan

17 Young Olympia Pianists Learn and Master over 550 pieces! 

40-Piece Challenge Results for 2019!

Yes, this number is true!  Five hundred fifty!  Each student keeps track of pieces they have learned over the year as part of the 40 piece challenge.  40 pieces, you ask, is this for real?  It is a huge challenge, especially as they advance and pieces become harder.  Even if a student learns 10 pieces, this is a substantial accomplishment!  30 pieces... Astounding.  And 40 is positively Monumental! 

As a teacher, I love to have students learn pieces of many styles and periods.  It broadens their repertoire and helps them learn to read on sight.  The more one reads through music, the better reader they will become!  They also learn more composers’ styles and ways to express themselves.

There was one problem with this challenge:  beginner students had much shorter pieces to learn, while some advanced students are tackling pieces that may be 500+ hundred measures in length!  So to make it more fair, this year we allowed for advanced students to count each 50 measures as a piece (75, if it was a concerto, due to the orchestral tutti sections).  

We have a tie for first place with 36 pieces:  congratulations go to Lilia & Linnea!  Good job!  2nd place with over 30 pieces go to:  Chloe and Landon!  3rd place, yet another tie with 26 pieces:  Judson and Gavin! There were quite a few others not far behind that, and with every piece, each of you accomplished something with the amazing and beautiful pieces you learned.  These are now *your* pieces!  WAY TO GO, EVERYONE! 

Scale Olympics 2019!

Our final group class of the year featured the SCALE OLYMPICS! Everyone had 3 minutes to demonstrate their Guild Technical Requirements. They included scales (major, all modes of minor, contrary), chords and inversions, arpeggios, plagal and authentic cadences, and dominant and diminished 7th chords. Wow! You guys know your “stuff”! It was a fun way to have a practice run before the Guild Auditions. Even those who did not receive the top three spots did AMAZING. Anyone who can do this technique has accomplished much and will improve their music-making!


4-5pm Class:

Gold: Sky (40!)

Silver: Chloe (36!)

Bronze: Isabella (30!)

5-6pm Class:

Gold: Lilia (41!)

Silver: Viveka (36!)

Bronze: Lucas (31!)